Cole at 1 1/2 months old

1 year old


I can't believe it but my baby is 2 already. He is such a sweet boy! We celebrated his birthday this year with two parties. On August 1st we went to my brother Jared's house and took our big waterslide to have a big Summer Birthday Bash celebrating all of the birthdays during the summer. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast playing with their cousins in the water and jumping on the tramp. We had a great BBQ too.
Then on the 2nd we had all of Dave's side of the family over to our house to celebrate it. Dave BBQ'd for us and we had a great time watching the kids play and Cole open up his presents.
We sure love our Cole Bear. He is a bundle of energy and growing up so fast. He talks so great and is a little parrot of Tanner. He loves his big brother and wants to do everything like he does. Lately he has been way into Thomas the Train and loves everything about him. He is definitely all boy with loves of cars, trains, balls, tools, and anything else that boys are into. Oh yeah can't forget his army guys and tractors.
Happy Birthday Cole Bear!!! We love you!!