Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

We had a fun Halloween this year. We took the kids to the pumpkin patch and let them each pick out their own pumpkin. Then we went over to our good friends, The Francoms, and ate soup and helped the kids carve the pumpkins. The had a really good time.
The kids loved being able to dress up in their costumes. Cole of course was Buzz Lightyear and wore his costume almost everyday for the month leading up to Halloween. Kaya was a witch and Tanner was a vampire. The school carnival is always a big hit with the kids and they of course loved going our trick or treating. Even though it rained on them most of the time. Grandma Newman had a fun party for them on Halloween where they got to go down a spook alley and get treats with their cousins. Too much fun. Can't wait until next year with Max running around.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Max - 2 Months

The kids absolutely love Max. They are always wanting to hold him and play with him. He has had a rough start to life. He hasn't been the happiest little guy and is collicky. He is so sweet though and the kids don't seem to care one bit when he's crying. Kaya is such a big help and I use her all the time to help hold or feed him. Tanner is actually a good helper too when he wants to be. Cole loves him and just wants to poke at him alot. He smiles a little but not too often. Breaks my heart to know he just hurts. He is starting to sleep better though which makes a world of difference in how I can deal with the fussiness.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cole's 1st Field Trip

Cole had his 1st field trip with his preschool to the fire station. He was a little nervous at first being around those big trucks but he got over that pretty fast. He was excited to be able to get up in the seat and pretend he was driving it. The firemen were really good with these little kiddos and gave them their own hat before they left.