Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

This year for Easter the Easter Bunny went a little crazy. He decided to not only hide Easter eggs all over the house for the kids to find but he also hid their Easter baskets around the house. The kids were so confused when they woke up and went out to the front room where he usually puts their baskets and thought he had forgot to come. They were super excited to find out that he didn't forget and they were just hid. They did a good job finding them.

They looked so cute dressed up for Easter Sunday. I loved the boys in their blue vests. Such a good color for them. I had to of course put Kaya in pink since she is our only girl. They are such a fun group of kids.

We were so excited for Easter to be later in April this year so it would hopefully be warmer but we weren't that lucky unfortunately. It ended up being pretty cool but the kids didn't mind too much. We went to Grandma Jolley's on Saturday and had a picnic at the park but it got pretty cold and windy so we ended up at her house for the egg hunt. It was still fun.
On Sunday we went to Grandma Newman's house for dinner and another egg hunt. Still cool but we were able to do the egg hunt outside. The kids definitely got their fair of treats this Easter. I love this time of year as it starts to warm up for the summer.

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