The 4th of July this year was a busy but fun day for us. We started out the morning by heading up to Donut Falls for a great kid friendly hike. We went with our great neighbors the Curtis'. The kids had a great time and did so awesome. We found these little backpacks that they could wear with their own water and treats and then they had little leashes on them for little Cole especially so he couldn't run off. Even he did awesome and wanted to walk by himself most of the time.

After the hike we went over to Dave's dads house for a BBQ. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins Ethan and Eli. Grandpa Newman did a great job hosting a BBQ since Grandma was gone to Kentucky at the time.

Then that evening we went up to my parents house to do fireworks and see my side of the family. Here Kaya is with two of her cousins Maddie and Audrey. They loved being able to pick out their fireworks and then help their dads light them and run away. Then we were able to watch Layton and Kaysville fireworks from their house. I can't believe how good the Layton ones were. They lasted like a half hour nonstop with multiples at a time. They were awesome. We were definitely all tired by the end of the day but had a great 4th.
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