The kids had a great time this Halloween. They started out the activities on Oct. 23rd at the school carnival. They had so much fun dressing up in their costumes and going to Kaya's school to play games and lots of fun activities. I was horrible and didn't get any pictures there. Only the one of them at our house before we left. Then on the 25th Grandma and Grandpa Newman had a family Halloween party. Grandma had lots of fun things for the kids to do. They made their own little pizzas, trick or treated through the house, colored pictures, played pumpkin bowling, and made cookies. They had a great time being with their cousins Ethan and Eli.

I don't know what was wrong with me this year but the time seemed to slip past me. We didn't go to the pumpkin patch until Halloween Day. Of course I had to forget my camera then too. So no pictures. Bummer. The pumpkin patch was so picked over and it was hard to find any pumpkins that weren't rotted out. The kids managed though and still had a good time. They loved bringing them home and being able to carve them. They actually did a great job this year of cleaning out their own pumpkins. Gotta love the face on Tanner below with his pumpkin. He was trying to look like it. We also took the kids to see Astro Boy during the day. What a cute movie and they loved it.

Then it was off to go trick or treating. They did so good this year. In the past I have felt like we were dragging them along and would barely make it down a couple of streets. This year they were running so fast we could hardly keep up with them. We almost covered our entire neighborhood. It was amazing how much candy they ended up with. They loved being able to go with friends this year. I'm sure that helped. Then we came home and ate some yummy homemade chili and pigs in a blanket.

The kids looked so cute in there costumes!! They looked like they had a fun halloween.
Cute pics Janie - I love how you scarpbooked the pages - you need to teach me how to do that!
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