So I took Cole in for his 3 year old checkup and I asked them a question about his little boy parts and when he checked them he told me had a hole that should have closed up on its own but didn't and so fluid was getting in areas where it shouldn't. So he referred us to a urologist and sure enough he needed surgery otherwise later in life he would get hernias that would be painful. So we hurried and made his appointment before the baby came. Cole was such a good sport when we got to the hospital and was so happy. They were so fast at taking him back to the operating room though that he didn't get to play with the toys in the waiting room before he went back. So he was a little disappointed over that. He did great through the surgery but when he woke up he was so mad at us. As you can tell by the after surgery picture he just puckered his lips up and wouldn't talk to us. He did like getting his root beer slushy fed to him though while he was in recovery. He got to ride out to the car in the wagon and was disappointed when we couldn't take that home with us.
For 2 weeks after we had to keep him off of the tramp and his bike, but he was such a good kid and was good about it. I'm so glad we had it taken care of before he got any older so that he doesn't remember too much.