I can't believe it. Kaya is already in the 2nd Grade. She started on July 26th. It came way too fast especially since she didn't get out of 1st grade until July 3rd. She was so excited to go back though and start up again. She loves school and loves learning. I just hope it lasts.. Her teacher is Mrs. Goodman and Kaya adores her. She is a sweet lady. Kaya and her best friend Ellie loved riding their bikes to school and felt so big when we let them come home alone.

Even crazier though is that Tanner started Kindergarten. He started the next week after Kaya since he had his Kindergarten testing the 1st week. He did awesome. He was so excited to go to the big school. He is one of about 5 boys in his class of 23. Poor kid is always surrounded by girls. His teacher is Ms. Calhoun who was also Kaya's Kindergarten teacher. She is a nice lady and he loves her. Two kids in school. Holy cow time flies!!
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