On November 19th, Dave celebrated his 34th birthday. We went out as a family to Boondocks. Dave decided he would rather go somewhere fun for the kids so that it would be less work for us. He's so smart sometimes. I think he had as much fun there as the kids though.

That place is great. The kids absolutely love it. I think their favorite part is to play the games that will give them the most tickets. The great part is that they have all sorts of levels so that even little Cole can play too.

And of course, they have to play the car games. Gotta love Dave with both his boys trying to play the game together.

Tanner showing one of his big wins of tickets. They made out pretty good there.
On the weekend we were able to go out without the kids with our good friends and enjoy some yummy dinner at Olive Garden and then went and saw the movie "Blindside". That was such a great show. Definitely one of those movies that just makes you feel good and want to go and make a difference for somebody. I think it turned out to be a good birthday for him.
Happy Birthday Babe!!