Looks like Santa Came!!!

The morning for us started at 4 a.m. when Kaya came into our room to tell us that she threw up in her bed. The poor girl was so sick. She then spent the next few hours throwing up every twenty or so minutes. The boys were sound asleep until Cole woke up around 8 and finally at 9:00 we decided we would wake up Tanner so we could get Christmas morning started.

The kids had a great time looking and playing with what Santa brought them and looking in their stockings. You can see poor little Kaya only had so much energy. She was such a good sport. She would be so happy and excited one minute and the next she would quietly disappear to the bathroom. It broke my heart.

Santa brought me a new big giant griddle so while the kids were playing with what Santa brought them I made breakfast on my new toy. It was so nice to be able to cook so many slices of French Toast at once. Thank you Santa!!

After breakfast, we then moved to the family room where the tree was and opened up our gifts to each other. The kids definitely got way too much as always but they had a great time. I think that I was especially spoiled this year with all that the kids and Dave gave me.

Dave and the kiddos with some of the stuff that they gave to him. They were so cute and loved giving the gifts that they had picked out for each other and for us.

After all the other gifts were opened we pulled out a last surprise gift from Dave and I. It was a countdown calendar for a trip to Disneyland in 4 weeks. We gave them Disney Characters with blankets as well. They were so excited and instantly took the Christmas advent calendar down to replace it with the Disney countdown calendar. That was so much fun to give them. What a great morning despite the bad sickness Kaya was experiencing.
That afternoon we went over to Unc and Auntie M's for Christmas Dinner. Kaya had been feeling better and they all wanted us to still go so we went reluctantly. We had a great dinner and exchanged more gifts with Dave's family. Just as we were finishing up with the gifts I got struck almost instantly with the bug that Kaya had. So we packed up and got out of there as fast as we could. Not a great way to finish off the day but we still had a great Christmas!!!
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