Then as always we headed up to my parents house to spend the night so that me and my mom and whatever sisters are around can go Black Friday shopping. Only this time we didn't go to bed. We headed out at 11:30 p.m. and didn't get home until 7:30 a.m. It was quite the adventure this year. I can't believe how many people were out all night just like us. We usually stroll into Walmart at 4:30 and are able to get what we want at 5. This year because some of the stores opened at midnight it made things a little more crazy. We were pretty much stuck at Walmart for 5 hours if we wanted anything that was on their doorbuster sales. The hot topic items already had their lineups of people at them. Thank heavens for great friends that I have. If it hadn't had been for one great friend I wouldn't have even been able to get one of the things that I needed. Thanks Chels. It was a great time though. Gotta love shopping and the adventure that Black Friday always gives. I love the tradition!!!
I couldn't end my post without listing the things I am most grateful for. So first and foremost I am so grateful for Dave and the loving husband and father that he is. I am thankful that we have three great kids who are healthy and happy. I am thankful for our parents and the great examples they have been and continue to be. I am grateful that we have such great friends around us and that my kids have such good friends. I am so thankful for the church and the great ward we live in, and I am thankful for the gospel and the kowledge that we have of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. How blessed we are to know that because of the atonement that we may be together again and for always. I am so thankful for so many more things but the list could go on forever.
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