We had another fun and eventful Easter! We started the activities on Saturday when we went up to my parents to have a picnic and egg hunt for the kids. The weather was pretty crappy but it doesn't phase the kids one bit. They had a great time with the egg hunt.

There is always a golden egg which is filled with all sorts of dollar bills and a silver egg which is filled with all sorts of coins. This year Tanner was the lucky finder of the silver egg. He was so excited. Then my mom always puts a note in some of the eggs that say prize and they get to redeem it for a prize. She always does so much but the kids love it. My dad made his famous dutchoven chicken and can I say delicious!!!

Easter morning ready to go to church. My cute kids in their little Easter outfits. Cole didn't want anything to do with getting his picture taken for some reason so this was the best pic I could get with all three of them together. They had a great time earlier finding their Easter baskets and seeing what the Easter bunny had left them. They were too fast for me though and I didn't have the camera ready to get some good pictures of them by the baskets.

After church it was on to the Newman side of the family for a yummy Easter dinner and another Egg Hunt. The kids never get sick of hunting eggs. In fact after the real hunt they emptied all their eggs out and went and hid them again to keep finding over and over again for about another hour.

Here's cute Tanner filling up his basket.

Adorable Cole on his very first time hunting eggs. He picked it up way fast.

And of course our beautiful Kaya filling up 2 baskets. So much fun!!

After all of the egg hunting the kids of course get more Easter treats from Grandma and Grandpa Newman and also from Aunti M and Unc. Kaya received 2 jumping ropes which she wasn't disappointed at all since lately that is one of her most favorite things to do. Here she is showing us her great skills at it.
What a great holiday season!! I love this time of year and of course it is always important to remember the real reason why we celebrate Easter. It has been a great time now as the kids get a little bit older to teach them about our Savior and His sacrifice for us.
You can never have too many easter egg hunts!!:)
I love Kaya face while she is jumping rope! Such a great way to get energy out of our kiddos!!!!
I love their outfits! Looks like you had a great Easter. And the Jazz game looked like fun too! Glad they won. On to the playoffs...
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