Last night we were able to take our kids to the Jazz game with us. They always love going to the games and are always sad when we go without them. So we always try to take them to at least one game a year. So of course it was only fitting that we take them to the very last home game of the season. Everyone thought they had given up but I told them that with us going they were for sure going to win. I was right.
Thanks to my mom and dad for watching Cole so we could actually enjoy the game. Love you guys!!
The good ole Jazz won the game 106 - 85. Now off to the playoffs.
The good ole Jazz won the game 106 - 85. Now off to the playoffs.
It's been a fun season - they have been great dates for me and Dave through the winter and a fun family outing last night. I'm sad to see it end.
I think Ellie has that same jersey! I want in on the Jolley family season tickets!!! We is the love?! Let me know if anyone ever doesn't want to buy their share, we would be in!! You guys have the cutest kids!!
Oh, I meant to say "where" is the love?!
I love the Jazz, I'm soo glad they won! Your kids are so cute!! Maybe I'll see you at a game next season!!
Okay your title totally confused me cuss Jazz actually played last night and lost to the Lakers. Ugh! So I am pretty mad. I shut it off early so when I saw your blog I was like what they flippin won but no they lost! But glad they won when you went to the game!
So fun that your kids are such fans. What a great family tradition.
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